Yogyakrta is also usually called Yogya or Jogja, it is referred to a Special Region within the Republic of Indonesia. This Special Region headed by a Governor which is not appointed by election system.So...politically, this region is strongly effected by feudalism system.

Geographically, Yogyakarta located in the southern part of Central Java,Indonesia.The region covered 3.100 square kilometers ( 2,4 % of total area of Java, which is more than about 50% is used for agricultural purpose, leaving about 25% (838 sq km) for residential purpose, and the remaining 17% (478 sq km) for forests.The land of this region dominated by active volcano Merapi in the north side, while in the south side the land dominated by "thousands mountain range"locally called Pengunungan Sewu.

The seasons in Yogyakarta are divided into dry season and wet season. Dry season is from March to September, and the wet season from October to March. The dry season is characterized by almost a complete absence of rainfall, while the wet season receives almost daily showers,and sometime torrid downpours accompanied by lightning and thunder.What ever the season, Yogyakarta enjoy sunshine whole year, making even the wet season a pleasant time for vacation.

Yogyakarta's population is about three millions and mostly moslem. The population is composed nominally of Javanese descent. Like other main ethnic groups, the Javanese of Yogyakarta have their own language and customes.Yogyakrta is also the home of many Chinese descent, whose ancestors come to Central Java as traders hundreds years ago.One of interesting aspects of Yogyakarta population is the immense student populating the region. This creates a special characters of the Yogyakarta city due to students are from other parts of Indonesia, such as Irian, Lombok, Bali, Sumatra and Sulawesi, as well as Kalimantan. This unique mixture creates Yogya a truly Indonesians miniature.

Jogjanese is open minded and tolerant. they Great each other by shaking hands before introducing them selves.If they meets someone they have never met before, they will give their name and other greeting "How are you"? before starting a conversation.The jogjanese respect people who speak slowly in a friendly manner, do not shout,and when asking for something always start with:"May I..., Please let me..., Excuse me I would like to..., If foreigners do not behave properly, the jogjanese will accept this as normal thing, but they cannot tolerate this from their own people.