TAMBORA ( Caldera Eruption )

The eruption of Tambora volcano on the island of Sumbawa in 1815 is generally considered as the largest eruption in historal time. The cataclysmic eruption occurred on 11 April 1815 was initiated by Plinian eruption type on 5 April .

The Plinian eruption type occurred twice and ejected gray pumice and ash, to form stratified deposits as thick as 40-150 cm on the slopes and mostly distributed over the district west of the volcano. Following this, at about 7 pm, on 11 April the first pyroclastic surge was generated and progressively became greater extending to almost whole direction, mainly to the north, west, and south districts from the eruption center.

The cataclysmic eruption killed more than 92,000 people in Sumbawa and nearby Lombok.Deadliest volcanic eruption of Tambora also buried ancient villages by pyroclastic surge and flow deposits. Also had impact on the Earth’s atmosphere as huge quantities of erupted ash and volcanic aerosols inferred with incoming solar radiation to the earth, causing global climate changes for one to two years. These changes
were particularly well documented in temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. This catastrophic eruption was documented by a handful of British resident agents, a sea captain, and an army officer who were scattered in the Indonesian Archipelago.

Eruption formed caldera 6 - 7 km in diameter with dept 1100 - 1300 m from caldera rim.Before eruption 1815,the high of Tambora Volcano approx 4000 m above sea level.According to the locals Sanggar, there were two summits of volcano Tambora before eruption 1815.The high volcano Tambora after eruption was recorded 2851 m above sea level.


1.JURNAL GEOLOGI INDONESIA, Vol. 1 No. 1 March 2006
2.MAJALAH GEOLOGI INDONESIA, Vol. 26 No. 2 August 2011
4.Jurnal Geologi Indonesia, Vol. 1 No. 4 Desember 2006: 209-227